Friday, March 4, 2011


1 comment:

  1. I like this version it's awesome! I like the colouring, lighting and textures. The lighting that has been chosen combined with the render has allowed the textures for the cone, letter N, the light pole, the Anus Bleeding Character and the little n iglu, to all look very good quality and better rich and professional textures! It would be good if the I and the O was more textured or visible from the original textures, however most people seem to have problems with this. I had not bothered to even apply the original textures as I was going and just put a few on. However I learnt the reason that some of the class work didn't show up or had not rendered like it looked on the display was simply because of the "Material" that was applied and so if there was no texture or material assigned to it before the lighting and letter was rendered out, it would not show up as good of quality or the same etc, so if you wanted to fix it or for the heap of students who had those problems that's all you have to do etc. Also I'll have my "O" Cheerio character complete sometime and create a new one with everyones textures and better quality work etc.
