Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Film Clip Test

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your music clip. Animating to music clips is very much about exploring loops, repetition and cycles. You are exploring that approach.

    The music lends itself to repetition. Using the stop mo approach gives that particular feel to the animation but remember to aim at achieving appealing arcs and spacing in the moves, if possible. If there are only short sequences, make them as appealing as possible.

    In terms of the clip design my impression is that there is too much waving in the 26s to 45s region. I can sense it may hark to Eminem's '8 Mile' wave, but the posing, arcs and spacing haven't quite hit it. If that is the aim it is good planning as you can use a short sequence repetitively and get back to animating your major project.

    As for the still filler images. They hit the beats and reinforce the "Gangsta" idea being rapped about. Hopefully having tried that idea you can explore some subtext. Like in animation, what a chaaracter says, is not always how they think and feel. Their animated actions, gestures and expressions may deliver a visual message that juxtaposes the spoken one. That can be more interesting. You have an opportunity to use images to challenge, or satirise the sta" idea, if that was your aim.

    Borat is an example and made me laugh :)

    Great to see you're getting quite a bit of animation done.
