Friday, May 6, 2011

Sneezing Snowman...

Maya animation of a sneezing snowman.


  1. There's nice snappy timing on the body locator control for the sneeze action. Good contrast between the slow timing and ease-in of the anticipation and the sharp sneeze. The change gives the action appeal and impact. Some of the higher body controllers still seemed to be quite evenly spaced. More so in the final part of the animation. The ease-in and ease out on those controllers could have been pushed a bit more. Maya is your friend.

  2. Thanks Frank. Ian added a little too. I do enjoy maya. Its getting easier as I do more. Its always painful but.

  3. Hey Johnny, I like your 3D work, you create good 3D work, and I like how he sneezes, the facial expression and the anticipation is good, the snappy pull when he sneezes works very well. I would suggest that he could have snappy follow through pullback where he goes back and then ease in to end pose, and he could have a exaggerated curve for back and then animation normal curve line for end pose etc. It's very "cool". It's the allergies of flowery flowers on the blog. I know very lame. Good Work! :)
